Monday, November 5, 2012

A Member Engagement Experiment

As I talked about previously, I gave a webinar on November 2, 2012 (rescheduled from an original date of October 30 because of Hurricane Sandy), on "What Does Member Engagement Mean To You?" Unfortunately, because of some lingering difficulties related to the storm, I was not able to complete the presentation, and so I promised to record and post to my blog some supplementary material about a member engagement experiment that’s going on in my own organization.

Whether or not you saw the original webinar, I'm hoping you'll take a few minutes to review this material, and give me some feedback in the comment section of this post.

The supplementary webinar, "A Member Engagement Experiment," can be downloaded here.

If you'd like to watch the original webinar, it can be viewed here.



  1. Do you have a link to the archived webinar? It's not embedded above. I registered for the original date but couldn't attend on Friday. Thanks, Eric.

    1. I'm waiting for it from the webinar organizer, Deirdre. I'll post and tweet it as soon as I have it. Thanks.
