Monday, February 11, 2013

Recorded Webinar: What Does Member Engagement Mean to You?

This is a recording of the webinar I gave on November 2, 2012, to kick off The New World of Member Engagement webinar series sponsored by Young Association Professionals, Aggregage, Association Universe and Infinite Conferencing.

In it, I talk about the work I had been doing with the WSAE Innovation Circle on Member Engagement, especially some of the challenges and solutions we had identified and discovered through our process. I also discuss five of the "member engagement solutions" I've written about on this blog:

1. Don't Forget the Fun
2. Recruit with a One-to-One Philosophy
3. Don't Waste a Volunteer's Time
4. Provide Structure, But Not Too Much
5. Advisory Groups Can Be Tremendous Win-Wins

I was also planning to preview some of the structural changes going on within my own association--based on the lessons I've learned, and focused on providing more opportunities for more members to get engaged in the work of our organization--but I ran out of time. So I recorded that section of the presentation as a separate webinar, which can be found here.

Thanks to everyone who helped make these presentations happen, and who participated during the session on November 2.

This post written by Eric Lanke, an association executive, blogger and author. For more information, visit, follow him on Twitter @ericlanke or contact him at


  1. I found your video on youtube. When is your next one coming out?

    1. No plans right now. Keep watching the blog for further announcements. Thanks.
