Monday, April 1, 2024

The No Spin Zone by Bill O’Reilly

This post was originally published on a now-retired blog that I maintained from roughly 2005 to 2013. As a result, there may be some references that seem out of date. 

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Started sort of slow but picked up in the middle. I liked the chapters on Jesse Jackson, taxes, and Hillary Clinton the best since they seemed to fall mostly in line with my way of thinking.

The one on Hillary seemed especially bold since he basically says that she won her Senate seat not because of any achievements in her career -- Bill says she has none -- but out of the pure pursuit of power and fame, bankrolled partially by tax dollars in the White House travel budget and thanks in no small degree to Rick Lazio invading her personal space.

I told my wife not too long ago that, say what you want about Bill Clinton, at his base he’s no more than a fun-loving bubba. At her base, Hillary is a cold force that wants to take over the world. She reminds me of that female newscaster who was really an alien in that John Carpenter movie “They Live.” The power suit and the fancy hairdo, but when the mind control waves are disrupted, a speckled and alien thing with an agenda.

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This post appeared on Eric Lanke's blog, an association executive and author. You can contact him at

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