Monday, March 18, 2024

King Arthur, His Knights, and Their Ladies by Johanna Johnston

This post was originally published on a now-retired blog that I maintained from roughly 2005 to 2013. As a result, there may be some references that seem out of date. 

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This is seriously a book that has been on my shelf since grade school. It’s from the Scholastic Press, no less. A simple retelling of some of the Arthur stories for a school-age audience, but interesting nonetheless.

These stories obviously touch us somewhere near our basic human element or they would not have been told and retold for as long as they have. They’ve got it all—magic, predestination, rags to riches, inbreeding—what more could we want?

Things worth remembering:

1. Arthur knew Lanceulot and Guenevere were going behind his back but chose to ignore it until Mordred made the affair public.

2. Galahad found the Holy Grail and was taken up to heaven for it.

3. Merlin lived backwards in time, seemed to know everything, but forgot some pretty important details.

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This post appeared on Eric Lanke's blog, an association executive and author. You can contact him at

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